Counselling and Psychotherapy Supervision Group Therapy Groupwork Central London WC1 North London  NW3 Hampstead Analytical and integrative Therapy


Team support and consultancy

My work is underpinned by a concern to help professional people develop a greater awareness of self and others within their teams, and to facilitate the capacity to work creatively with obstacles they meet with in their organisations.

Working in teams and organisations can be challenging and stressful. Teams are affected by interpersonal relationships as well as wider organisational dynamics or socio-political influences. Departmental restructuring, retrenchments and redundancies and external influences such as mergers or takeovers may be contributing factors.

At an individual level, people in demanding careers in business are often under great pressure; so too are members of the helping professions – those working in the public sector, the NHS, Social Services and education or charities.

Some individuals may become so enmeshed in their careers that they neglect other areas of their lives, leading to a considerable work/life imbalance. If not addressed, this can lead to burnout or other emotional difficulties.

To address such problems I offer individual consultations, mediation and coaching, or team interventions.

My background is as a Training Group Analyst, Psychotherapist and Supervisor. I have supervised and taught on many courses, and at a course in ‘Diploma in Reflective Practice in Organisations’ at the Institute of Group Analysis. In addition to my work with businesses and the creative industries I have worked with many other organisations, for example the NHS, the Royal Free Hospital and London Underground.

Please contact me for further details, or to discuss what kind of help might be most appropriate.

Individual commitment to a group effort, that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Vince Lombardi

© 2024  Margot Schiemann  site designed by tina borkowski

College Crescent Practice  |  23 College Crescent, London NW3 5LL · t +44 (0)203 112031

Institute of Group Analysis | 1 Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5LY · t +44 (0)20 31120031